Events: The' Regretropsective'

Colchester Arts Centre
Nov 11th 2009

7.00pm Doors Open

Tickets £3.50
Box office 01206 500900

'The Regretrospective is a multi-layered work, part installation, part film, part movement, based around our capacity for illusion and delusion. It takes place in the disordered bedsit of a half human half horse, who spends his time watching TV. A surreal and delusional world unfold as dialogue from the TV begins to influence events, until its no longer clear what's real and what's imagined. The intrusion of a tiger into this bedsit domain could lead to a potentiall regrettable incident.........
The Regretrospective , presented as a work in progress, showcases material created  during Juliet's
research and development period on the Escalator Performing Arts scheme, collaborating with
lightingdesigner Peter Harrison, and sound designer Al Ashford. The audience
is invited to stay and take part in a Q and A session and give
feedback to help develop the piece to the next stage, as well as
explore the installations created for this piece.